2024 Council - Pledge to First Peoples
In October 2024, all candidates standing for election to Maribyrnong City Council were invited to make a Pledge to First Peoples (below).
Every candidate who was elected, signed the Pledge. They are Councillors Cuc Lam, Bernadette Thomas (deputy Mayor), Pradeep Tiwari (Mayor), Mohamed Semra, Samantha Meredith, Susan Yengi and Elena Pereyra.
JAM! welcomes all Councillors commitment to pursuing their Pledge throughout their terms of office.
Pledge to First Peoples
- 1. Engage with First Peoples and allies in my Council (local government area) and Ward to understand and respond appropriately to their needs, aspirations and priorities, including supporting the establishment and resourcing of a First Nations Advisory Group (if not already existing).
- 2. Pursue actions, internal and external to Council, which facilitate reconciliation and healing in relations between First Peoples and others.
- 3. Identify and address policies and practices in Council which are racist and support continuous education for Councillors and Council staff in First Nations cultural awareness and safety.
- 4. Promote and support First People’s cultures, histories and languages through collaborative activities and programs with local artists, arts, youth, community and education organisations.
- 5. Prioritise opportunities to work with First Peoples, locals, businesses and environmental groups to Care for Country.
- 6. Show respect to First Peoples, as the traditional owners of these lands, through the inclusion of ‘Welcome to Country’ and ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ ceremonies in official Council functions.
- 7. Support First People’s self-determination and truth-telling through the Yoorook Commission and Treaty processes in Victoria.